Sometimes it is worth reading seemingly boring texts: The Uber platform published its results for the second quarter of this year. The data contained therein concerns all activities of the Platform, worldwide. These are mainly passenger transport and deliveries.
And now we know that in the months of April, May and June 2024:
– The platform had over 156 million customers.
– People working for the Platform completed over 21% more orders than at the same time a year earlier.
– The Platform’s revenues increased by 16% compared to the same period a year earlier and amounted to USD 10.7 billion (approximately PLN 42 billion). For comparison: Poland’s budget for the entire 2024 envisages PLN 30 billion for the entire health care system.
– The Platform’s activities finally brought profit: it amounted to USD 796 million.
And finally, the most important thing.
The platform admits directly: increasing revenue and generating profit was possible thanks to LOWERING the average remuneration rate for deliveries and “improving the efficiency of the algorithm”.