This calculator will allow you to estimate your monthly earnings. Of course, it is imperfect, it does not take into account many tax “tricks”. But at least it will give you some idea of how much you can earn.
- You make the final decision yourself
- Opinions on earnings that you read on the Internet may not come from couriers, but, for example, from artificial accounts. Or accounts of people claiming to be couriers, and being, for example, touts for work
- The fact that someone once earned “how much” in a week or a month does not confirm anything. It’s like riding a bike: just because you accelerated to 50 km / h once does not mean that everyone rides like this all the time
- Platforms ALWAYS give novice employees better rates, better orders, better conversion rates
- Platforms and Partners always present work and earnings better than they actually look. They won’t earn anything without our work! They prey on our work, our health and our safety.